Are You Exhausted from Trying to Control It All?

Recently, a close friend and her husband have found themselves immersed in uncertainty. The unwanted changes have come fast and furious; neither one was ready nor expecting them, but nonetheless, requiring them to make a move.

The fear of not knowing what's ahead can become paralyzing, and it wasn't long ago that after experiencing significant grief, I found myself overwhelmed with anxiety and doubt about where to go from there.

Although it makes sense to want to know what's to come, especially feeling unprepared when facing something new, what if we need to abandon certainty to gain true peace?

Have you ever felt like you're clinging to control so tightly that your heart aches under the pressure? You pray, you plan, you do all the "right" things—yet life still feels unpredictable. What if the key to peace isn't having all the answers but surrendering to the One who does?

Why We Struggle to Let Go

As women, we often feel the need to hold everything together—our families, careers, ...

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Replacing Insecurity with Confidence

Last week, I attended a networking event. Truth be told, networking is not something I'm naturally drawn to. I prefer a more intimate, organic connection and conversations. I'm more comfortable speaking to a large group of strangers rather than making small talk with them. 

As it approached, I found myself hoping for various reasons not to attend. Self-doubt has a way of doing that. But every year, I challenge my insecurities by stretching out of my comfort zone, and this women's event was the perfect opportunity. 

What would it be for you...if you had to name just one area of your life where insecurity creeps in the most?

For some, it's body image. For others, it's career success, relationships, motherhood, or even speaking up in a room full of people. No matter what it is, insecurity makes us feel small, unseen, or not enough.

But what if we changed that?

One simple practice to start replacing insecurity with confidence is reframing your self-talk.

  1. Catch the insecurity. (Exam...
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