Are You Exhausted from Trying to Control It All?

Recently, a close friend and her husband have found themselves immersed in uncertainty. The unwanted changes have come fast and furious; neither one was ready nor expecting them, but nonetheless, requiring them to make a move.

The fear of not knowing what's ahead can become paralyzing, and it wasn't long ago that after experiencing significant grief, I found myself overwhelmed with anxiety and doubt about where to go from there.

Although it makes sense to want to know what's to come, especially feeling unprepared when facing something new, what if we need to abandon certainty to gain true peace?

Have you ever felt like you're clinging to control so tightly that your heart aches under the pressure? You pray, you plan, you do all the "right" things—yet life still feels unpredictable. What if the key to peace isn't having all the answers but surrendering to the One who does?

Why We Struggle to Let Go

As women, we often feel the need to hold everything together—our families, careers, ...

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Why Overnight Success Is Overrated - Be the tree, not the weed.

Have you ever felt like your progress is moving at a snail’s pace while everyone else seems to be racing ahead effortlessly?

In a world obsessed with instant results, it’s easy to believe success, in any area of life, should happen fast. Social media glorifies viral moments, quick wins, and "before-and-after" transformations, making it seem like confidence, wealth, or fulfillment can be achieved overnight. But the truth is... anything that rises too quickly often lacks the roots to sustain it.  

As Spring approaches, my newly exposed lawn is already filling the dead patches with weeds and daffodils. And, although I welcome the change of scenery from snow, these weeds and flowers are temporary, yet the trees standing around them will remain.

This reflection is a great reminder, on the days I feel frustrated when all I would like to accomplish appears to be taking too long. And then I remember that weeds sprout up fast but are easily pulled, and even the most beautiful flowers bloom ...

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Replacing Insecurity with Confidence

Last week, I attended a networking event. Truth be told, networking is not something I'm naturally drawn to. I prefer a more intimate, organic connection and conversations. I'm more comfortable speaking to a large group of strangers rather than making small talk with them. 

As it approached, I found myself hoping for various reasons not to attend. Self-doubt has a way of doing that. But every year, I challenge my insecurities by stretching out of my comfort zone, and this women's event was the perfect opportunity. 

What would it be for you...if you had to name just one area of your life where insecurity creeps in the most?

For some, it's body image. For others, it's career success, relationships, motherhood, or even speaking up in a room full of people. No matter what it is, insecurity makes us feel small, unseen, or not enough.

But what if we changed that?

One simple practice to start replacing insecurity with confidence is reframing your self-talk.

  1. Catch the insecurity. (Exam...
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Facing Challenges with Love

forgiveness healing love Feb 24, 2025


How do we develop a genuine love for ourselves and others in this fast-paced world, surrounded by constant comparisons, negativity, and bad behavior?

God mentions love over 600 times in the Bible. Yet, it can still be hard to love.

A critical aspect of cultivating love is surrounding ourselves with a supportive community that reflects and encourages these values.

Navigating relationships with those who may resist, reject , or take advantage of our love is challenging. But we can still choose forgiveness and maintain our love through kindness, just as Christ has taught us. This practice is a profound demonstration of love's resilience and transformative power.

Offering forgiveness to those who have felt undeserving of love has been a stumbling block for me in recent months. Even though I know better, I've let my hurt interfere with healing. 

But choosing forgiveness ultimately frees you from the burden of anger, resentment, and bitterness that can consume your life when you hold...

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Lighten Your Load

Recently, my husband surprised me with a trip - alone with no kids. You may wonder why this is worth sharing, but trust me when I say it is.

This trip was the first vacation we had taken together without kids since we married, so 30 years is kind of a big deal.

We had a wonderful time restoring what can easily get lost with opposite schedules and parenting young adults.

To be completely honest, we have always enjoyed traveling with our children, and that's how we wanted to do it, and we still do.

But I discovered that as my children grew, so did the burden of finding solutions to their problems or challenges, and I began to feel burned out.

To be clear, I'm not talking about offering advice; I'm talking about laying awake at night, searching for products, practices, or whatever was needed to fix the problem instead of tending to my own needs at 54, which consists mainly of a good night's sleep.

And because I am someone who needs to be physically removed from a place or situation...

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The Marriage Saver

The caption marriage saver seems dramatic. However, you haven't lived with me lately🙃

From what appeared out of nowhere, my husband decided to start snoring. At 54, this has become alarming, and I keep waking up each morning, shaking my head and asking, why now??

To clairfy, when I say waking up each morning, I mean I never fell asleep. The disruptive, loud noise that sounds like someone's firing up a chainsaw 2 inches from my head goes on...all.night.long.😳

So, finding a solution so I don't suffocate my husband with a pillow at night, is lifesaving for him anyway.  

I'm not sure if this is the male version of menopause or what, but I knew he was starting to fear for his life when he would get out of bed after his alarm went off and said, you look mean this morning. Did I snore last night?

In my husband's defense, he has tried everything, from Breathe Right strips to custom mouthguards to help eliminate this problem, but nothing worked until a last-ditch attempt from Amazon called...

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Embracing Restoration: Finding Balance in a World of Hustle

Uncategorized Jan 26, 2025

In today's fast-paced world, the message of slowing down resonates deeply with me. Recent conversations with friends have also revealed similar desires to embrace rest amidst the hustle and bustle of modern life.  

In recent years, I've shared that I've been rethinking my resolution approach and prioritizing restoration instead. This shift challenges the traditional notion that doing more equals achieving more and instead emphasizes the importance of restoring what has been lost or overlooked. Maybe it's because I've gotten older, but I've discovered that productivity requires rest and healthy boundaries.

A key strategy I recently learned from my podcast guest, Jennifer Dukes Lee, is switching from a mindset of "I can't" to "I don't." This linguistic shift empowers us to establish boundaries that align with our values and priorities without feeling guilty or apologetic.

As someone with people-pleasing tendencies, creating a thoughtful list of things "I don't" do instantly lays down ...

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Be Brave, Conquer Your Fears, and Live Happy

How Surrendering Your Fears Can Help Overcome Them


Fear is a joy stealer, a liar, and a waste of time. It has the power to blind us from all that is good and hold us hostage, in a place crippled with uncertainty and doubt. I know because it happened to me. After two tragic deaths of people I loved in my mid-twenties, fear, and anxiety consumed me. And worry became my good morning and good night.

Fear Of The Unknown Only Has The Power We Give It

Losing two people in my life at a young age, I began fearing my mortality. More often than not, the stillness of nighttime fueled irrational thoughts about dying. A simple cramp in my leg would immediately bring my uncontrolled thoughts to an unhealthy place, like an impending blood clot that I was sure would take me down or a headache that could potentially be a brain tumor or aneurysm. My heart would begin to race as I had just completed an intense high-cardio workout, and I would frequently check my rapid pulse. The fear wa...

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